Monday, September 07, 2009
Xbox World 360 Preview
Posted by adamcs at 09:27. Category: Ballad of Gay Tony
The latest issue of Xbox World 360 Magazine - which went on sale today in the UK - contains an eight-page preview of The Ballad of Gay Tony. Here's a rundown on some of the new stuff mentioned:

Xbox World 360 is on sale now in the UK.
- The HUD (Heads-Up-Display) is a "Parma Violet-style pink/purple".
- The Ballad of Gay Tony should feature around 20 missions (roughly the same as The Lost and Damned).
- Missions get scored out of 100% depending on your style and efficiency. You can re-play missions at any time in order to improve your scores.
- Three nightclubs are accessible - Bahama Mamas, Hercules and Maisonette 9. Luis is tasked with managing Hercules and Maisonette 9 - the two clubs which belong to Gay Tony. Hercules was off-limits during this preview.
- The golf course in Algonquin behind Memory Lanes is open for business! A golfing minigame is available.
- New websites have been added to the in-game internet.
- A new car based on a Bentley continental Convertible is called the Super Drop Diamond.
- One of the new random character missions involves "a mental ex-girlfriend of Luis' who places a bomb in his car, leading to a race to disarm it."
- Four missions were previewed during the demo, two of which we heard about in previous previews:
- "Dropping In..." - Tony orders Luis to team up with Bulgarin's henchman, Timur. Bulgarin wishes to acquire The Rampage, Liberty City's ice hockey team, and Luis must storm the penthouse office and get the owner to sign his business over to Bulgarin. Luis parachutes onto the roof and heads down a maintenance stairwell before being confronted by security. At this point, alarms are blaring and the sprinkler systems go off. Luis eliminates his target by shooting him through a window, and then escapes through the window with the parachute still on his back. He lands on a moving truck, which conveniently has a mattress on its trailer. If Luis had missed the truck, he would have had to face another army of security men.
- "For the Man Who Has Everything" - This mission is done for Yusuf Amir, a billionaire property developer. Yusuf is played by Omid Djalili, as many people speculated after hearing his voice during the trailer. Yusuf wants to ship a railway carriage back to the Middle East as a gift. The first objective is to jump onto a train from the nearest overpass, which is done by tapping X at the right moment (the jump itself is automated). Luis must make his way to the front of the train, as cops shoot down at him from helicopters. Once Luis has disconnected the front carriage, Yusuf lifts the carriage from the tracks using a Skyhook chopper.
- "Going Deep" - This mission involves silencing detectives who have evidence on Bulgarin and Timur which could see them go to jail. The plan is to rig their vehicle with a satchel bomb in an underground car park, but the cops are already onto them. Once the attackers are dead, the detectives chase Luis and Timur.
- "Sexy Time" - Yusuf wants to acquire an attack chopper called the Buzzard. It belongs to a group of arms dealers, and is situated on a yacht. Luis has to sneak on board without security seeing him and then steal the chopper. As Luis makes his way back to Yusuf's pad, Yusuf calls and orders him to go back and destroy the yacht. Some of the gangsters escape on speedboats, so the final task is to eliminate them.
The preview also contains four new screenshots. One of the screenshots clearly shows the interior of Maisonette 9, one of Gay Tony's clubs. It is almost an exact replica of New York nightclub Bungalow 8.
If you're able to find this magazine in your area, be sure to pick it up!