Thursday, December 06, 2007

New GTA IV trailer coming today

Posted by adamcs at 15:17. Category: General
IV trailer

This is simply a reminder that GTA IV Trailer 3: "Move up, ladies" will be released later today at 3 PM EST and 8 PM GMT. Refer to the countdown at the top of this page to see how much time remains.

Various sites have reported that the two shots released yesterday were taken from scenes in the new trailer, however we are not so sure. Rockstar Games released screenshots prior to Trailer 2, and the very same claim was reported, even though none of the shots ever featured in the trailer. It was simply bad reporting by the sites that claimed it, and that could very well be the case again.

One hundred people voted in a topic at our forum, to estimate how long they think the trailer will last. The majority of them (33%) believe the trailer will last for 1 minute, where as 30% predicted 1.5 minutes, 16% voted 2 minutes, and a very optimistic 10% voted 3+ minutes. Trailer 1 and Trailer 2 both lasted approximately 1 minute, and we are led to believe that Trailer 3 will last approximately twice that length (i.e 2 minutes).

If you want to discuss the new trailer, head over to our forums or join the IRC channel.

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