News for February, 2009
GTA Chinatown Wars: Website Launch and Official Trailer
Rockstar Games have launched the official website for GTA: Chinatown Wars, which contains a new trailer, new screenshots, character information, downloads and more. Check out the trailer below:
Rockstar Leeds Talks GTA DS
IGN has a new Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars feature online, where they talk with Rockstar Leeds president, Gordon Hall, to find more about the development behind CW.
"we had more than fifty guys working on the game for the better part of two years! When we embarked on the project, the intention was to faithfully recreate the entire world of Liberty City from GTA IV in 3D on the DS" - Gordon Hall
Game with Rockstar!
This weekend is the final three days of Xbox 360's TLAD Xbox LIVE Week. At the time of writing this it is 5 PM EST (10 PM GMT) and for the next four hours you have the opportunity to play online with some of the crew from Rockstar North. Tomorrow, from 4-7 PM EST (9-12 PM GMT), you'll have the chance to play with soundtrack artist and Beat 102.7 DJ Statik Selektah + guests.
Here is the list of gamertags to look out for:
Game with Rockstar Gamertags:
RstarGames01, RstarGames02, RstarGames03, RstarGames04, RstarGames05, RstarGames06, RstarGames07, RstarGames08, RstarGames09, RstarGames10, RstarGames11, RstarGames12, RstarGames13, RstarGames14, RstarGames15, RstarGames16, RstarGames17, RstarGames18, RstarGames19, RstarGames20
Game with Fame Gamertags:
RstarStatik, RstarSaigon, RstarSkyzoo, RstrTermanology
A full calendar of events is available here.
GTA Chinatown Wars Hands On

Last Wednesday we had a few hours to kill before our flights took off, so on Tuesday night Rockstar invited us to stop by the office the next day. Due to the number of us there, we split into two groups. Adam, Jev, Psy, and Chris went first since their flights were earlier and morning here is like afternoon in UK time. G-WizZ, Kodo, Zidane and I got to sleep in late (and lounge in the hotel lobby scaring tourists), then around lunch time we piled into a cab and headed over to the office. Having only seen the place from the outside during our last visit, it was great to finally make it past security and the legendary zombie-proof door. Had we just been there to hang out, this would have been cool enough by itself. But, no, the Rockstar guys had something even better in mind..
The Lost and Damned, Out Now on Xbox Live

The Lost and Damned is now available for $19.99 / 1600 Microsoft Points at Xbox Live Marketplace. You can also purchase it from the Marketplace website and have it ready and waiting for you the next time you go online with your Xbox 360. The download weighs 1.78GB.
"We're thrilled to finally share the first downloadable episode of Grand Theft Auto IV. This vast and entirely unique first episode is packed to the brim with action, pushing the definition of downloadable content to its very limit."- Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games.
Related Link: Take-Two Press Release.
The Lost and Damned Media
Story Gameplay
The Lost vs Angels of Death Gameplay
The Lost and Damned - Fansite Exclusive Screenshot!
R* has sent us yet another exclusive screenshot of TLAD, take a second to look at the left side of the picture and see if you can recognize someone!
There's also a new video on the official website along with some new content that R* have been adding for the last few days.
Reviews are in!
The reviews for The Lost and Damned are starting to roll in. Check out the verdicts now..
- (9/10)
- (9/10)
- (8.6/10) Also short video review here, and some more new videos here.
Rockstar Games has also updated the official GTA IV website with a special report from Weazel News.
The Lost and Damned Community Event

This week, webmasters from five major GTA fan sites were given the opportunity to visit New York City and experience GTA IV: The Lost and Damned first hand. Myself (adamcs), Jevon and illspirit were there to represent GTANet, while Chris was there from, Psy from GTA4.TV, Zidane and Kodo from, and G-WizZ from The event was jointly hosted by Rockstar Games and Xbox 360, and took place on Tuesday between 2pm and 6pm at Don Hill's Club in Soho (unfortunately we weren't able to take photos inside the venue - sorry!).
New trailer, screenshots and multiplayer preview
Rockstar today released a second trailer for The Lost and Damned:
Updates have also been made to the official website, which are all listed here. A full list of the new weapons and vehicles are also available.
And finally, IGN have a new multiplayer preview, which details all of the new modes in TLAD and also includes some screenshots.
TLAD featured on GameTrailers TV
This morning, The Lost and Damned was featured on a special episode of GameTrailers TV, featuring tons of new footage and in-depth analysis. If you didn't get a chance to catch it this morning, you can watch it now at
The preview is broken into four chapters. Chapter 1 deals with characters, while Chapter 2 looks at the gameplay, Chapter 3 looks at missions, and Chapter 4 discusses the next DLC. Chapter 4 is of particular interest, since it more or less confirms that "Luis" is the main character of the next DLC. Of course, Rockstar refused to confirm or deny it, but their response appeared to suggest that it indeed will be the case. Luis - incase you are unaware - is the third person involved in the "Museum Piece" mission, and he also makes brief appearances during Three Leaf Clover and Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend.
Discuss your thoughts on the preview here, and discuss your thoughts on the possibility of Luis as the next main character here.
Oh, and be sure to come back next Wednesday/Thursday to hear our own thoughts on The Lost and Damned. No crap or journalistic spin! Just the honest opinions of GTA fans.
The Lost and Damned on GameTrailers TV tomorrow night
Rockstar have just told us that The Lost and Damned will be featured on a special episode of GameTrailers TV tommorrow night, hosted from their office in New York City. "There will be tons of never-before-seen footage, including exclusive first glimpses of various cut scenes, gameplay and hints about what to expect from the storyline."
GameTrailers TV airs Friday night at 10PM PST / 1 AM EST on Spike TV, and is also available online at and on Xbox LIVE, iTunes and Amazon Unbox.
TLAD trailer coming next week
Rockstar has announced in an email that a new trailer for The Lost and Damned is set to be revealed next week.
New TLAD Screenshot
A new screenshot showing the "Angels of Death" has been added to the official GTA IV website:
New TLAD Artwork
We just received a new batch of artwork for The Lost and Damned. If anyone out there is still using dial-up or something, you might want to grab a snack while downloading, as they're all rather high res.
We've also been given the go-ahead to tell you about an event taking place next week, which involves fan site webmasters (i.e. us along with some of these guys) experiencing The Lost and Damned hands-on in New York City. Myself, Adam and Jevon are all going, so we'll be able to tell you about the game next week purely from a fan's perspective.
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