News for April, 2010
First Episodes from Liberty City Video Contest Announced!

Rockstar has just announced the first Episodes from Liberty City PC Video Editor contest, entitled "Base Jumping Extreme Film Festival". From the official announcement:
Strap on a parachute in The Ballad of Gay Tony and use the PC version’s in-game suite of video editing tools to make the most creative contest entry clip you can. A balls-out short action film? A base jumping commercial? An aerial music video? A creative montage of parachute stunts? We know you’ll amaze and surprise us as always.
The possibilities are endless. Just make sure it's at or under 5 minutes in length, and somehow, someway – parachuting or base jumping features prominently.
The lucky contest winner will walk away with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 graphics card, along with a prize pack of limited edition Grand Theft Auto n' Episodes from Liberty City swag. Two runners up will also receive Rockstar prize packs.
All submissions must be done via Social Club TV using the in-game video editor. Submissions must be tagged with "base-jumping contest", and will be judged based on editing skills, user ratings, and overall creativity. Official rules and eligibility legalities can be found here.
The contest closes on May 14th, so start jumpin!
Related Links:
Episodes from Liberty City PC Video Editor Contest: Base Jumping Extreme Film Festival
Sale: Rockstar Collection now 50% Off on Steam

It's Rockstar Week on Steam, which means there are an abundance of discounts to be had! For the next 3 hours, Grand Theft Auto IV is on sale for $7.50 USD, and the entirety of the Rockstar collection is up for 50% off ($42.49 USD instead of $84.99 USD). (More discounts will follow.)
A complete listing of the games included in the Rockstar Collection package can be found on the Steam website. Don't forget to join the Rockstar Games Official Group on the Steam Community to receive up-to-date alerts whenever new discounts are announced.
Note: Apparently the discounts on individual titles aren't available in Europe, however the 50% discount on the Rockstar collection is available.
Related Links:
Rockstar Discount Week on Steam - Shack News
Rockstar Collection package on Steam
Red Dead Redemption: Exclusive Fansite Preview Event

Last weekend, Rockstar Games provided ten fan site administrators with the opportunity to visit New York City and play Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City on PC and PlayStation 3. In addition, we were given the chance to play Rockstar's upcoming western game, Red Dead Redemption, which is scheduled for release on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on May 18, 2010. The impressions below are based on our experience of the Xbox 360 version.
In total, representatives of six GTA fan sites attended the event. Myself (adamcs), Andy, illspirit and Jevon represented The GTA Network. We spent the first half of Saturday playing Episodes from Liberty City at Rockstar’s headquarters in Manhattan. If you’ve yet to try EFLC then it’s something we strongly recommend. The episodes offer an entirely fresh way of exploring Liberty City with new missions, new vehicles, additional music and more. The episodes offer something different, so if there was a particular aspect of GTA IV you didn't like, be sure to give the episodes a try.
In the evening we headed out to Brooklyn to play Red Dead Redemption, which is being developed by Rockstar San Diego. If you've been living under a rock for the past few months, then check out the official Red Dead Redemption website to see what it's about. We spent the first couple of hours playing single player and the remainder of the event playing multiplayer.
Read our individual impressions below...
Episodes from Liberty City now available on PC and PS3
Grand Theft Auto IV's two episodic expansions, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, are now available on the PC and PlayStation 3 platforms in North America. The episodes can be downloaded separately on Games for Windows LIVE / PlayStation Network or they can be picked up as part of the Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City bundle. Downloading the episodes requires an original copy of Grand Theft Auto IV whereas Episodes from Liberty City does not.
If this is your first time playing the episodes, here are some resources to help you with the game:
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The episodes are available in Europe and Australia this Friday, April 16th.
Related Links: The Ballad of Gay Tony Forum; The Lost and Damned Forum.
GTA IV PC Patch 6
Rockstar has announced that Patch 6 for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV will be available on Games for Windows LIVE very soon. The patch will include all the enhancements found in the PC version of Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City, which releases tomorrow in North America.
The most significant changes are the removal of the Social Club application required to launch the game, and enhanced multiplayer security to protect against cheaters. The Moon, which has been absent in the PC version up until now, is available "with simulated lunar phases". Oh boy!
The full list of changes is shown below:
Rockstar Games Social ClubShadows
- Remove Rockstar Games Social Club application
- Separate RGSC application no longer required to launch game
- Social Club login now occurs during the launch process
- A new, less memory-intensive, and better-looking scalable shadow solution has been implemented
- Enhanced Night Shadows added with user-selectable level of detail (replaces Shadow Density)
- Rendering optimizations have been made to improve performance, particularly when enabling shadows
- User-configurable graphics settings have been added for shadow control
- Improved memory management
Episodic Content
- Enhanced security to isolate users from cheaters and hackers
Bug Fixes
- Provide in-game support to purchase "The Lost and Damned" and "The Ballad of Gay Tony" (Not available in Russian/Japanese Versions)
- Vehicle shadows re-enabled between 8pm and 6am
- Fix floating street textures
- Pedestrians in vehicles appear further out from the player to allow for long range sniping
- The Moon has been implemented with simulated lunar phases
- Fixed garbled text in Japanese Multiplayer menus
- "RESC 10" error fix for specific hardware configurations
Episodes from Liberty City PC Trailer
A new trailer featuring the PC version of Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City was released today:
The game releases tomorrow (April 13th) in North America, and April 16th in Europe.
First Episodes from Liberty City PC Footage
Watch the first clip from the PC version of Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City, created using the in-game video editor:
(UPDATE - 6TH APRIL) A second clip has been released. Rockstar has promised that more clips will be made available throughout the course of this week.
First EFLC PC Screenshots
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