Brian · Badman · Mel · Ileyna · Hossan · Sara · Pathos
Jeff · Cherise · Marnie · Eddie · Ivan · Clarence · Gracie
There are fourteen "random characters" in total, and they each become available at different stages during the storyline. These characters are represented by the green male and female icons on the radar, and approaching them will trigger a cutscene. These characters are mostly minor characters that featured briefly during some missions, but who didn't have a huge part to play in the story. Completing all of the random character encounters contributes 5% towards 100% completion of the game. You can find a map of all their locations on the in-game internet by visiting "whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com."

Left: Approaching a random character on the street. Right: A map of all the random character locations.
The first encounter with Brian is unlocked after the mission "It's Your Call." Meet Brian at Iroquois Avenue, next to Roman's cab depot in Broker. There is no action involved in this first encounter, it simply serves as an introduction to the random characters, so all you have to do is watch the cutscene. Brian gives you $100 at the end of his little speech. Money well earned, eh?
The second encounter with Brian begins at Crockett Avenue in Hove Beach, near the first safehouse in Broker. Brian has developed an unhealthy drug addiction since your previous encounter, and he wants you do him a favour by taking him to Masterson Street where he can collect "the biggest rock in the world." Afterwards, take Brian to his apartment in Wappinger to conclude the mission. The reward for successful completion is $200.
The third (and final) encounter with Brian becomes available one week after the previous encounter. Meet him on the corner of Montauk Avenue and Dillon Street during the morning. In the cutscene, Brian reveals that he has entered a rehabilitation program, and "step nine" of the program involves making amends with those he has harmed. Take Brian to the dealers on Asparagus Avenue so he can pay his debts. The dealers aren't satisfied, however, and they turn on Brian with a baseball bat. Take out the dealers and protect Brian, and then drive him back to his apartment to finish the mission. Brian pays you $500 for your assistance.
Complete Little Jacob's mission "Shadow" to unlock the encounter with Badman. He's sitting on a bench at Dukes Boulevard between Harrison Street and Morris Street. In this mission, Badman wants you to help him eliminate some Russian gang dealers. Get in a car after the cutscene, and take Badman to the alleyway off Carrollton Street where the Russians are holding a deal. There are five or six dealers in total, and each of them is represented by a red blip on the radar. Use the walls in the alleyway as cover to eliminate the thugs. Completing the mission successfully will earn you $500.
You must complete "Escuela of the Streets" to unlock Mel's encounter. Meet him at Hove Beach, across the street from the Comrades Bar. You may remember that Mel made a very brief (drunken) appearance during Vlad's mission "Bull in a China Shop.". Mel appears to have cleaned up his act since then, and he wants you to take him to a meeting in South Slopes to act as his protection while he pays some debts.
The meeting (which takes place at the corner of Montauk Avenue and Sundance Street) doesn't go well, and the three dealers begin shooting. Take them out, then find a vehicle and pick up Mel. Take him back to Hove Beach to finish the mission, and earn $500 for doing so.
Ileyna's encounter becomes available after completing Manny's mission "The Puerto Rican Connection." She can be found standing on the boardwalk at Firefly Island in Broker. During the cutscene, Mrs. Faustin explains her troubles since the death of her husband, Mikhail. She believes her daughter's boyfriend is ruining her life by "trying to turn her into a stripper," and would like for him to be dealt with.
The boyfriend is hanging out at Dillon Street in Schottler, so go there and confront him. Niko warns him to stay away from Anna Faustin, but the boyfriend is quick to reject his advice. You can choose to kill the boyfriend (which will displease Mrs. Faustin, since she specifically requested "no more killing!" during the cutscene) or beat him up a little and spare his life. The mission is passed regardless of what decision you make, so don't worry about it.
Hossan used to be Niko's shipmate, you may recognize him from the opening cutscene of the game. He is similar to Niko in the sense that he moved to Liberty City in search of the "American dream." Complete Manny's mission "The Puerto Rican Connection" to unlock Hossan's encounter, and then meet him on the sidewalk at Garnet Street in Algonquin, where he now has a job selling counterfeit handbags.
For the mission, Hossan wants you to go with him and collect some cash that is owed to him. The man refuses to give Hossan his back pay, and delivers a Glasgow kiss before speeding off in a car. Get in a vehicle with Hossan, and chase down the thief. Retrieve his money, and take him to the alleyway off Feldspar Street to complete the mission. Hossan gives you $500 for your work.
Meet Sara on Garnet Street (at night) after completing Manny's mission "The Puerto Rican Connection." Sara recently got divorced, and she's lacking self-confidence. She wants to know if she has still "got it." During the cutscene, Sara requests a ride home from Niko, so find a vehicle and take her to her apartment in Varsity Heights. When you arrive, Sara's ex-husband is waiting on the doorstep of the apartment, and Sara hopes that the image of her and Niko together will make him jealous. The husband requests a fight, and you can deal with him in any way you like - kill him with fists, kill him with guns or simply ignore him and walk away.
The second encounter with Sara takes place at Pier 45 under the Broker Bridge in Algonquin. During the cutscene, Sara doesn't recall your previous encounter, and asks you to do her a favour by collecting a package from Perseus (off Pyrite Street and Bismarck) for a fashion shoot later on.
Find a vehicle and head over to Perseus in Middle Park East. The shop assistant is waiting in the back of the shop with Sara's package, but there's been a slight misunderstanding - the package hasn't been paid for yet, so the assistant is demanding $500. Pay the $500, or simply beat up the shop assistant to get the package. Then afterwards, take the package to Sara at Pier 45. Sara gives you a $500 reward, and she also reimburses you for the package, making it $1000 in total.
Completing Manny's mission "The Puerto Rican Connection" will open up Pathos' encounter. Pathos is a struggling rapper, and you can find him selling CDs to pedestrians at Star Junction in Algonquin. During the cutscene, several men approach Pathos and begin making fun of his music. After the cutscene, go across to the alleyway and eliminate the hecklers (who are represented as red blips on the radar) but be careful not to hurt Pathos.
The second encounter with Pathos takes place very close to where the first encounter happened. Pathos is still struggling with his career, but reveals he has a new CD out called "Pathos - From Suffering and Back Again." During the cutscene, some hecklers arrive, who apparently aren't too impressed with his music (much like in the first encounter). Pathos is shot during the argument, but remains alive.
After the cutscene, kill the attackers (shown as red blips on the radar) and then find a car and get Pathos to hospital. The hospital is just a few blocks away on Albany Avenue. You'll get an email from Pathos soon after the encounter, updating you on his situation.
The first encounter wth Jeff is unlocked after Playboy X's mission "Photo Shoot." Jeff can be found on the sidewalk at Bismarck Avenue, Algonquin, mumbling a load of nonsense about his wife. Jeff's wife is cheating on him, and he wants you to follow her and get pictures of her with her new lover.
After the cutscene, hop in a vehicle and begin following the couple. Don't spook them or they will know they are being followed, so stay at least two car lengths behind them at all times. When they reach the Superstar Caf� in Lancaster, go inside and head upstairs to where they are sitting. Take a photograph of the couple using your cellphone, and send it back to Jeff.
The second encounter with Jeff begins at an underground parking garage off Silicon Street. He calls soon after the first encounter and tells you to go there, and the mission begins as soon as the call is made. Jeff's jealousy appears to have gotten the better of him - his wife is dead, in the back of his truck, with 50 "accidental" stab wounds. Jeff needs you to dispose of the body.
Get in the vehicle, and take the body to Walnut Way where it is quiet. If you are spotted by cops at any point during the journey, a one-star wanted level is gained, and you must get rid of it before proceeding any further with the mission. Drive the car at full speed towards the water, and bail out at the last second to get rid of it. Jeff gives you $5000 for the job.
The third (and final) encounter with Jeff takes place at Feldspar Street in Algonquin. Jeff has a new wife, but he's running into the same old problems it seems. He suspects his new wife is cheating on him, and wants Niko to kill her. Niko refuses, however, and a disgruntled Jeff leaves. Jeff is then hit (and killed) by a car whilst crossing the road. That's the last you'll be seeing of him.
Cherise appears outside the Cluckin' Bell on Vauxite Street, after completing the mission "The Holland Play." Cherise is Dwayne's old girlfriend, and will only appear if you chose to spare her life during Dwayne's mission "Ruff Rider." Cherise is upset because her new boyfriend is treating her violently, and she wants Niko to go and teach him a lesson.
After the cutscene, get in a vehicle with Cherise, and take her a few blocks north to Frankfort Avenue where the boyfriend is situated. Get out of the car and approach him, and beat him up afterwards. If you beat him up but let him live, Cherise's reaction will be positive and thankful, but if you kill him she won't be happy. Either way, the mission is passed, so you can do no wrong.
Complete the mission "Three Leaf Clover" to unlock Marnie's encounter. She's sitting on a bench at a park on Denver Avenue, South Algonquin. During the cutscene, Marnie begs for drugs or money, and she eventually persuades Niko to give her a ride to a dealer in Alderney City. Find a vehicle after the cutscene, and take Marnie to the dealer's place in Alderney City, on the other side of the Booth Tunnel. Niko symphasizes with Marnie, and gives her $500 before dropping her off.
Marnie's second encounter begins on Ivy Drive South, west of Middle Park. She wants to turn her life around and go home to see her family, so drop her off at the train station in Easton and say goodbye.
The first encounter with Eddie begins in an alleyway across from AutoEroticar in Alderney. Find him there between 10pm and 4am. Eddie has a bag with some heavy contents inside, and during the cutscene he manages to persuade Niko to give him a lift so he can drop it off at the docks.
Find a vehicle, and take Eddie to the docks in Alderney. After Eddie has deposited the bag in the river, drop him off in Westminster, Algonquin. Check out libertytreeonline.com on the in-game internet for a creepy report about the contents of the bag.
If you thought the first encounter with Eddie was creepy, it's about to get even creepier. The second encounter begins in an alleyway at Cockerell Avenue, Alderney, and once again, Eddie is there between the hours of 10pm and 4am. Eddie's behaviour is becoming increasingly worrying, and during the cutscene he turns on Niko, attacking him with a knife.
After the cutscene, select a gun and stick a bullet through his head. Check out libertytreeonline.com afterwards, for another intriguing report on Eddie. You can also learn more about him by visiting his blog at blogsnobs.org (www.eddielowfilthslayer.blogsnobs.org).
Ivan appears on Farnsworth Road (in Alderney) after completing the mission "Three Leaf Clover," but only if you chose to spare his life during Vlad's mission "Ivan the Not So Terrible." During the cutscene, Ivan claims to be doing pretty well for himself since your last encounter. He's now a loan shark, and he wants you to assist him while he goes to collect some money.
Get in a car after the cutscene, and take Ivan to the gangsters who owe him money. The gangsters refuse to pay up, and instead they try to eliminate Ivan. There are five gangsters in total - three are down the alleyway and two are situated on the rooftop. Eliminate the gangsters and protect Ivan to complete the mission. Ivan rewards you with $1000.
The encounter with Clarence takes place at the projects on Vauxite Street (at night) after completing the mission "Holland Nights." You may remember that, during that mission, Francis McReary ordered you to kill Clarence, so he will only appear if you chose to spare his life.
When you spared Clarence's life, he seemed fortunate and grateful that he had been given a second chance. However things have changed since then, and he's lost all of his business because of you. He now wants revenge! After the cutscene, take cover and eliminate Clarence. There's not much to it really.
Gracie is the girl you kidnapped during Gerry's mission "I'll Take Her." Her encounter becomes available after a call from Gerry, three game days after completing the mission "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend." Gracie is standing outside her home on Babbage Drive, Alderney, and she immediatley recognizes you as her kidnapper. She quickly alerts the Ancelottis, and a shootout takes place on the street.
After the cutscene, find cover and eliminate the Ancelottis surrounding the home. One of the gangsters is situated on the balcony, several are situated near the garage, and some are situated around the back. Kill all of them to complete the mission, and be sure to collect any cash or ammo lying on the ground.