We prefer to think of them as "arbitrary gameplay enhancers", really.
Nine new cheats are available in addition to the standard cheats. All cheats should be entered during normal gameplay. To do this, bring up Luis's cellphone, use the table to find the cheat you want, and enter it using the directional keypad. Once the cheat is entered, a 'Cheat Activated' message will appear.
Cheat Name |
Cheat Code |
Spawn Floater (NEW!) Spawn a Floater boat in front of Luis. |
938-555-0150 |
Spawn Akuma (NEW!) Spawn an Akuma bike in front of Luis. |
625-555-0200 |
Spawn Vader (NEW!) Spawn a Vader bike in front of Luis. |
625-555-3273 |
Spawn APC (NEW!) Spawn an APC in front of Luis. |
272-555-8265 |
Spawn Buzzard (NEW!) Spawn a Buzzard helicopter in front of Luis. |
359-555-2899 |
Spawn Bullet GT (NEW!) Spawn a Bullet GT in front of Luis. |
227-555-9666 |
Parachute (NEW!) Give Luis a parachute. |
359-555-7272 |
Super Punch (NEW!) Makes Luis' punches explosive. |
276-555-2666 |
Explosive Sniper (NEW!) Makes the sniper rifles fire explosive rounds. |
486-555-2526 |
Health & Weapons Give Luis health and weapons. |
482-555-0100 |
Health & Armour Give Luis health and armour. Blocks the achievement "Finish Him." |
362-555-0100 |
Weapons (Advanced) (NEW WEAPONS!) Knife, Pistol. 44, Explosive Shotgun, Assault SMG, Advanced MG, Advanced Sniper, Grenade Launcher, Sticky Bombs. |
486-555-0100 |
Weapons (Poor) Knife, Molotovs, Pistol, Pump Shotgun, Micro SMG, Assault Rifle, Combat Sniper, RPG. |
486-555-0150 |
Remove Wanted Level Remove any police wanted level. Blocks the achievement "Walked free." |
267-555-0100 |
Raise Wanted Level Add one star to Luis' wanted level. |
267-555-0150 |
Change Weather Select from eight different weather types. |
468-555-0100 |
Spawn Annihilator Spawn an Annihilator helicopter in front of Luis. |
359-555-0100 |
Spawn Jetmax Spawn a Jetmax boat in front of Luis. |
938-555-0100 |
Spawn NRG-900 Spawn an NRG-900 bike in front of Luis. |
625-555-0100 |
Spawn Sanchez Spawn a Sanchez bike in front of Luis. |
625-555-0150 |
Spawn FIB Buffalo Spawn an FIB Buffalo in front of Luis. |
227-555-0100 |
Spawn Comet Spawn a Comet in front of Luis. |
227-555-0175 |
Spawn Turismo Spawn a Turismo in front of Luis. |
227-555-0147 |
Spawn Cognoscenti Spawn a Cognoscenti in front of Luis. |
227-555-0142 |
Spawn Super GT Spawn a Super GT in front of Luis. |
227-555-0168 |